Intercontinental Net.
- 1500 UTC, 14055 kHz;
[alt QRG 14349 kHz.]
- 1600 UTC, 18088 kHz.
US 40/30m Net.
40m session (Winter months).
7044, [10121.5*] kHz:
- Local time: 8 PM EST;
- UTC: Friday, 0100.
30m session (Summer months).
10121.5, [7044*] kHz:
- Local time: 8 PM EDT;
- UTC: Friday, 0000.
* Note.
The change in frequency will depend on current band conditions. Watch for ssn-ml messages.
EU 80m Net.
NCS on Mar 30: Yann - F5LAW.
The net is an informal round table based on the order of arrival of the participants. NCS will operate in rotation each Sunday. Any participant can volunteer for this task, preferably via an email to Yann - F5LAW. At all times the NCS is in full control of the net. If any problem with current NCS, a substitute will take over.
List of current NCS's:
Sunday on 3566 kHz:
- Local time: 9 PM (most EU)/ 8 PM (UK),
- UTC: 1900 (DST)/2000 (ST).
NCS - Call CQ SSN:
"CQ SSN CQ SSN, sideswiper net, SSN, de[NCS call sign] + SSN K".
A sequence number [NR] is assigned to each station checking in:
"[Call sign of calling station] QRY [NR], NR [NR] after [name and call sign of previous station on the list], PSE QRX (or AS)".
"Welcome to the sideswiper net, SSN, which meets on Sunday evenings at 2000 UTC on 3566 kHz. All stations are invited to check in, with or without sideswipers, further info on".
NCS - Another series of:
"CQ SSN CQ SSN, sideswiper net, SSN, de[NCS call sign] + SSN K".
For any further participants.
Option: List recap for the later participants if it is not too long.
NCS - Call CQ SSN on completion of each round. The announcement of a new round is followed by this reminder:
"After each transmission please leave a slight pause before your turn. This will allow other stations to call into the net".
In the event of such a call the NCS takes control, welcomes the station and allocates [NR]. NCS then passes it to the next station on the list.
Announcement of round 1.
"Please keep your over short, reports etc., then pass key to next station on the list or if any doubt to NCS".
NCS - Commence Round 1.
Announcement of round 2.
"Try to keep your over short, you may work any participant, in any order. Once done, pass transmission to next station on the list".
NCS - Commence Round 2.
Round 3+4+ etc.
Normal QSO's are encouraged. For all rounds please use the same format.
Form restricted to EU NCS team.
Region 3 Net.
Asia - Pacific Region Net.
We would like to express our thanks for the outstanding NCS job that our friend Yo San - JL1MUT has been doing for 3 years and a half.
Domo Arigato and congratulations dear Yo San.
Any volunteer to take over the NCS job and try again the Region 3 SSN? Please, contact us.