Net Archives 2025.
Intercontinental Net.
Section under development.
To move to a net archive page, use the list boxes in the upper-right corner. Select year, net and click on the "Go" button.
NB: Pre-2012 net data are not processed. The Region 3 Net started on February 5, 2017 and ended in 2020.
The following graph and tables provide an overview of the variations in the level of activity for this net and give a general idea of the HF conditions met during the sessions.
QNI Graph.
In each month column of this bar graph, the number of participants, Net Control Station (NCS) and participating stations (QNI's), is shown:
- Per week: first week at bottom of column up to fourth/fifth week of the month;
- Per month: red on white background on top of column.
The bottom row in the table shows:
- Total number of sessions;
- Total number of participants;
- Average number of participants per session.
Click on a month name at the top of the graph to jump to the "QNI table" listing all participants per session.
QNI Table.
This table lists all net participants per month, week and session. NCS's are marked with "*". "Visitors" are not listed unless they took part in a session. Click on a day date in red to jump to the corresponding report table(s) if available.
Report Tables.
These tables compile reception reports received from net participants or listeners (SWL's). NCS's are marked with "*". Each row of a table recapitulates the reports given to the participants by the station listed in the "De" column. Call signs in italics on a different background color in "De" columns indicate reception reports. Reports expressed in decibels, +10dB for instance, must be understood as values over S9.
QNI Graph.
Top of page.
QNI Table.
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Report Tables.
Sunday, January 5, 2025.
20 m: 1500 - 1530 UTC, 14055 kHz.
- De AA7FV: At check-in there was another station calling, but down in the noise and with rapid QSB. Sorry, I couldn't get the call. ** Yann, I just read your SSN report, and I'm sure that other station I heard must have been you. Very sorry I couldn't copy well enough.
- De KN6BAZ: 20M NET started with Darrel's signal below 559, rather unusual. I tried to call several times, but Darrel had no copy. Then, suddenly, half way through the net, signal recovered to 599+, and my call was answered. It looked almost like a different antenna been used, considering the difference. Pedro had a good signal with good copy, and I could also copy K2MER, Mark.
- De F5LAW: I gave the Intercontinental sessions a try today but very poor conditions, I didn't stay. A very Happy and Healthy Year 2025 to you and yours fellows, BCNU.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | K2MER | KC8JFP | XE1YZY | KN6BAZ |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | Not great, rapid QSB | / | 569 | 359 | 599 | 589 |
KN6BAZ | 90W/Rectangular Magloop | - | +10dB | 329 | - | 439 | / |
F5LAW | 50W/6 el. LPDA | Very poor, QSB and very strong echo | 379 | X | X | X | X |
17 m: 1600 - 1630 UTC, 18088 kHz.
- De AA7FV: 1600 UTC 18088.5 kHz (POTA activity on 18088.0). 1610 UTC the POTA activity finished, so we moved to 18088.0 kHz. KA9S Jeff in IL, rejoining the SSN after a long pause. Welcome back Jeff! ** Yann, again, very sorry at didn't hear you on 17m either. Very poor conditions (see below). Many thanks for trying to get through. I hope it'll be much better next time.
From: SWPC NOAA. There was an abrupt increase in solar proton flux reaching the earth today, which will have increased the background noise and given extra attenuation to signals crossing the polar regions (such as from EU to AZ). A solar X-ray flare at 16h UTC, just at the start of the 17m net, was responsible for a minor (R1) radio blackout. The sun has been very busy in the last couple of days.
So overall, not great conditions today.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | XE1YZY | KA9S |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | Not great | / | 589 | 599 |
F5LAW | 50W/6 el. LPDA | Poor, very strong flutter | 549 | 229 | X |
Top of page.
Back to JAN in QNI table.
Sunday, January 12, 2025.
20 m: 1500 - 1530 UTC, 14055 kHz.
- De AA7FV: Another station was calling (RST 119), but sorry, I couldn't copy the call.
- De KN6BAZ: Similar to the last week, I had difficulties checking into the 20m SSN NET at the beginning. Darrel's signal was at 559, rapidly increasing to 599+ 2/3 into the net. I called again, and was spotted by Chris, and eventually Darrel replied, confirming a check-in. It is really fascinating how quickly ionosphere changes on 20M in the morning.
- De F5LAW: Unavailable.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | K9TJL | XE1YZY | WX7V | KN6BAZ |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | - | / | 599 | 599 | 589 | 589 |
KN6BAZ | 90W/Rectangular Magloop | - | +10dB | 529 | 529 | 589 | / |
17 m: 1600 - 1630 UTC, 18087.5 kHz.
- De AA7FV: 18087.5 kHz (Activity already on 18088.0 kHz). I had trouble with my own key connection this morning, especially at the very end of the net, but problem found and now fixed. Sorry about that!
- De KN6BAZ: I also tried to check-in to 17M net, but clearly at my QTH the signals were rather weak with QSBs.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | K9TJL | WX7V | DL2KHU | VE3CWP |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | - | / | 599 | 599 | 2/339 | 599 |
DL2KHU | 25W/7m monopole | Fair | 559 | 229 | - | / | 439 |
Top of page.
Back to JAN in QNI table.
Sunday, January 19, 2025.
20 m: 1500 - 1533 UTC, 14055.25 kHz.
- De AA7FV: Conditions were unusually bad today, with more than usual QRM, QSB etc. It'll be better next time!
- De KN6BAZ: 20M NET Darrel's signal below 529 at the beginning of the net, and I couldn't check-in. Then up to 599 with successful check-in. Good copy on K9TJL, with signal peaking at 529. TJ reported no copy on my signal.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | W4RFT | K9TJL | KN6BAZ | F5LAW |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | Unusually bad | / | 579 | 58/99 | 589 | 349 |
KN6BAZ | 90W/Rectangular Magloop | - | 599 | - | 529 | / | - |
F5LAW | 50W/6 el. LPDA | Very poor, QSB, echo, flutter | 489 | - | - | - | / |
17 m: 1600 - 1633 UTC, 18088.4 kHz.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | W7ANM | KT5LA | W1BLU | F5LAW | K9TJL |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | Unusually bad | / | 599 | 449 | 569 | 449 | 599 |
KT5LA | 100W/84 ft EFW | QSB | 569 | 449 | / | 439 | - | 569 |
F5LAW | 50W/6 el. LPDA | Very poor, QRM, QSB, strong echo, flutter | 369 | - | - | 229 | / | 229 |
Top of page.
Back to JAN in QNI table.
Sunday, January 26, 2025.
20 m: 1500 - 1530 UTC, 14055.6 kHz.
- De AA7FV: 14055.6 kHz (I moved up a little to avoid activity already on 14055.0). Conditions on 20m were not good, because of QRM. However 17m QRM was much worse today.
- De KN6BAZ: The same pattern continues during the 20M NET. Darrel's signal is weak, around 529 at the beginning of the net, but rapidly improves toward the middle, reaching 599+ and allowing for an easy check-in afterward. I was able to copy K2MER, but the signal was weak and affected by QSB.
- De WX7V, F5LAW: Unavailable.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | KA5TJS | KN6BAZ | K2MER |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | Not good, QRM | / | 589 | 589 | 569 |
KN6BAZ | 90W/Rectangular Magloop | QSB | +10dB | - | / | 329 |
17 m: 1600 - 1616 UTC, 18088.1 kHz.
- De AA7FV: 18088.1 kHz (Trying to find a spot away from the pileup, but they were spreading too much.) The QRM on 17m was the worst I've heard during a SSN. A DX pileup of stations spreading up and down several kHz around the frequency. I think they were probably calling SV1GA/A who was 10 kHz lower in frequency, and who was coming into AZ quite well. I gave up and closed the net early, at 16:16 UTC.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | W1BLU | KP4Q/4 | K9TJL |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | QRM from pileup | / | 569 | 569 | 599 |
Top of page.
Back to JAN in QNI table.
Sunday, February 2, 2025.
20 m: 1500 - 1530 UTC, 14055 kHz.
- De AA7FV: Just before, and during, the net this morning there were alerts for minor (R1 and R2 level) radio blackouts. R2 (Moderate) Radio Blackout 02 February. Region 3977 produced an impulsive M5.1 flare at 02/1404 UTC.
- De F5LAW: Unavailable.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | KC7KYV | KN6BAZ | WX7V | DL2KHU |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | No QRM, but poor | / | 579 | 599+ | 599 | 11/29 |
KN6BAZ | 100W/EFHW | Great signal propagation and low noise | +10dB | 599 | / | 559 | - |
DL2KHU | 25W/7m monopole | - | 459 | - | - | - | / |
17 m: 1600 - 1630 UTC, 18088 kHz.
- De KT5LA: ‘‘Twas not to be for me here Sunday. Copy on Darrel was 33 at best. Light copy on the Utah SDR, and the Northern CA SDR was down. I heard Alex very lightly on the SDR and not at all at home.
De | Station | Conditions | AA7FV* | KT5LA | KN6BAZ |
AA7FV* | kW/Rhombic wire beam | No QRM, but poor | / | 339 | 549 |
KT5LA | 100W/84 ft EFW | Very very poor | 339 | / | - |
KN6BAZ | 100W/EFHW | Strong noise and deep QSB | 539 | 229 | / |
Top of page.
Back to FEB in QNI table.
Sunday, February 9, 2025.
No data, QRX please.
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Back to FEB in QNI table.